Genealogy of the Robinsons

Robinson family and connections to Marshall, Cuddy, Hamai, Lascalela, Quebral. Also Checker Puzzles, misc. My name is Raymond B. Robinson, the 2nd on the tree in fig. 1 on the right  ===>

I'm a diagnostic engineer, retired, living in Southern California. The programming was mostly assembly language, and micro-assembly: the stuff that the assembly instructions themselves are made of. Real nuts and bolts stuff; I loved it! (see "Test-Bench")  probably because of my love of puzzles.

Robinson  Family

We are from Larchmont, New York. The family came to California in 1960. Our older brother, Bill, was an advertising man, like our Dad. The reason for our interest in genealogy is our younger brother, John (his friend works at the Sutro).

My wife of 41 years was Pattie Hamai. We had a son, Raymond C., and there are three grandkids: Desiree, Raymond D, and Kaela.

See: "Family"

Robinson  History

Our Dad, Raymond A. Robinson, was a Market Research and polling pioneer. His poll showed that Harry S. Truman would win in 1948. All the other polls picked Thomas E. Dewey, so they were afraid to publish my Dad's results. I wonder how he felt when Truman won!

This is one of many history items that this research has helped make history come to life for us!

See: "History"

Robinson  Puzzles

Too many hobbies! Most of them centering around a love of puzzles (was a puzzle editor for Mensa): chess, hex, go (shodan), checkers, knobelein, other games, sleight of hand (Magic Castle); and my job was a puzzle too!

To offset the sedentary stuff, both my wife and I loved hiking, scenic parks, theme parks, Disney World, dining out, Lakers, and relatives.

See: "Puzzles,"   "Checkers"

Raymond B. Robinson

Tree of the Robinsons

Fig. 1:

Father, me, Son, Grandson. What will we do when we get to the letter Z?     By that time, there should be other languages in the family - to give us more letters!

See: "Genealogy"

We found 3 great Love Vignettes written by our mom, Marie Elise Robinson, in the 1950's. Click on the links below:

             Young Marie Elise Cuddy     love vignette 1                             Marie Elise Cuddy Robinson     love vignette 2                             Marie Elise 2     love vignette 3
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